
Newcrossities is a weary traveller’s guide to the new curiosities of South London, New Cross, Deptford, and beyond:

  • Curated and opinionated.
  • Underground, weird and funny.
  • Completely incomplete

It’s like a blog, but posted geographically not time-wise.

Choose your own adventure in South London from the comfort of your own home.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What? : Could be described as a map based, curated, content website.

Where? : South London, New Cross, Deptford, and beyond.

Why? : Read the Newcrossities creation story.

Who? : Made by a South London resident, adventurous tech geek, underground comedian, who once sat next to the guy at work who did the Rough Guides website.

When? : Started right around the time the author was made redundant.

How? : I’ll let you know about the technology, as I work it out. In March 2020 I gave a talk about the Strawberry JAM technology used.

How much? : The website is free. The planned phone app will probably cost a bit, but it’ll include listings of curious events to go to.